Watch: Parallels 2015 Soap2Day, Full Movie Online – PARALLELS is a science-fiction adventure series that follows the story of a small band of people traveling across parallel earths. The group is led by an estranged brother and sister, Ronan and Beatrix Carver, who are looking for their father. What they discover is that their family is shattered across multiple earths. The question is: can they put their family back together again?.
Movie Plot: An underground MMA fighter must confront his sister and his past in an adventure through parallel universes
123movies | FMmovies | Putlocker | GoMovies | SolarMovie | Soap2day
6.0/10 Votes: 14,940 | |
N/A | RottenTomatoes | |
N/A | MetaCritic | |
N/A Votes: 328 Popularity: 7.129 | TMDB |
Original Language en
Runtime N/A
Budget 0
Revenue 0
Status Released
Rated Not Rated
Genre Action, Sci-Fi
Director Christopher Leone
Writer Laura Harkcom, Christopher Leone
Actors Mark Hapka, Jessica Rothe, Eric Jungmann
Country United States
Awards 1 nomination
Production Company N/A
Website N/A