Watch: Kill Command 2016 Soap2Day, Full Movie Online – Set in a near future, technology-reliant society is creating killing machines. Against this backdrop an elite Marine unit is helicoptered in to a remote, off-the-grid island training facility, to test the capabilities of the latest prototypes. They set up positions and make short work of the AI targets in the killing field. However, overnight their sentry goes missing, and when they find the corpse the next day they find themselves in the killing field and the tables have turned. The Marines fight to survive on an island that is overrun by an enemy intelligence far beyond their predecessors, which learns from their every move..
Movie Plot: Set in a near future, technology-reliant society that pits man against killing machines. Against this backdrop an elite army unit is helicoptered to a remote, off-the-grid island training facility. What starts out as a simple training exercise for Captain Bukes and his tight-knit unit, descends into a terrifying battle to the death, as the marines discover the island is overrun by an enemy that transcends the human concept of evil.
123movies | FMmovies | Putlocker | GoMovies | SolarMovie | Soap2day
5.7/10 Votes: 14,797 | |
75% | RottenTomatoes | |
N/A | MetaCritic | |
N/A Votes: 532 Popularity: 28.599 | TMDB |
Original Language en
Runtime N/A
Budget 0
Revenue 0
Status Released
Rated Not Rated
Genre Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Director Steven Gomez
Writer Steven Gomez
Actors Thure Lindhardt, Vanessa Kirby, David Ajala
Country United Kingdom
Awards 2 nominations
Production Company N/A
Website N/A